Do you have fun in Dragon Boat Festival?

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Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which is in late May or June on the Gregorian calendar. In 2023, Dragon Boat Festival falls on June 22 (Thursday). China will have 3 days of public holiday from Thursday (June 22) to Saturday (June 24). 

Names of Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival has more than twenty names and each has its own meaning and origins. It is called Duanwu Jie in Mandarin and Tuen Ng in Cantonese, and is also known as 'Dumpling Festival' and 'Double Fifth Festival'. 

1. Dragon Boat Festival

It is called Dragon Boat Festival, or Longzhou Jie in Chinese, because of its close association with dragon boats. Chinese people attach great cultural significance to dragons. The two main activities during the festival are eating zongzi (rice dumplings) and boat races, and both are related to dragons. 

Zongzi have long been thrown into rivers as offerings and sacrifices to the Dragon God on lunar month 5 day 5, while dragon boats are used in races traditionally held on this day. So, it is also called the Dragon Boat Festival. 

2. Duanwu Jie

The Dragon Boat Festival is called Duanwu Jie in Mandarin Chinese. Duan means 'start', while wu means 'noon', but also 'the fifth solar month' in the traditional Chinese calendar (approximately June 6 – July 6), centered around the summer solstice. 'The month of noon' marks the middle of summer. Hence, Duanwu Jie means 'the beginning of mid-summer festival'. 


There are a number of delicious dishes in Chinese cuisine, some of which are famous all over the world. The Chinese pay great attention to cooking, with thousands of years of development and recipes that transcend from generation to generation to fulfill the cultural traditions that are followed and celebrated today. As the culture focuses heavily on food, different food items hold a different significance depending on the festival being celebrated and the region in which it is celebrated. For the Dragon Boat Festival, these food items also vary.

1. Chinese Rice Dumplings - Zongzi 

Name: Zòngzi

Ingredients: Glutinous rice, fillings(meat, red bean paste, jujube...)

Meanings: To commemorate Quyuan, a famous Chinese poet

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2. Realgar Wine

Name: xióng huáng jiǔ

Meanings: To ward off evil spirits and illness

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4. Jiandui - Fried Sesame Ball

Name: jiān duī

Ingredients: wheat,  glutinous rice, sesame

Meanings: Repelling evil spirits and praying for good fortune

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6. Thin Pancakes

Name: báo bǐng

Meanings: To commemorate Qi Jiguang, a famous Chinese military general during the Ming Dynasty. 

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There are a lot of delicious food on dragon boat festivil.

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Post time: Jun-29-2023